A Brief Review of One of the Best Selling Books of All Time
Seven Habits of Highly Effective People is one of the most popular self help books. It was published in 1989, but the rules and principles still apply. They are golden rules, really simple...yet hard to implement if you are not dedicated to learning and creating these skills in to habit. All skills and learned behaviors are habit.
You will learn how to break your habit and then incorporate the new skill sets needed for success. People who are effective learn how to connect to other people, without forcing it. This book is a great read for anyone who wants to be great with people AND in business. You have to have charisma, trust, punctuality, and connection with those around you.
Here is an excerpt from Wikipedia: Covey explains the "Upward Spiral" model in the sharpening the saw section. Through our conscience, along with meaningful and consistent progress, the spiral will result in growth, change, and constant improvement. In essence, one is always attempting to integrate and master the principles outlined in The 7 Habits at progressively higher levels at each iteration. Subsequent development on any habit will render a different experience and you will learn the principles with a deeper understanding. The Upward Spiral model consists of three parts: learn, commit, do. According to Covey, one must be increasingly educating the conscience in order to grow and develop on the upward spiral. The idea of renewal by education will propel one along the path of personal freedom, security, wisdom, and power.